Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Affairs of States

Every once in a while, we at Holier Than Thou like to take a state-by-state look at religious extremism run amok. How well have you been keeping up with the state of religious affairs in these United States?

1) Medical institutions in this state have had to turn away researchers and delay expansion plans over fears that the state legislature — with support from Christian anti-abortion groups — will soon criminalize stem cell research and treatment. To fight back, a group of social moderates and business leaders is trying to amend the state constitution to expressly de-criminalize such activities. Which state?

A) Missouri
B) Idaho
C) Utah
D) Ohio

2) Meanwhile, THIS STATE is the latest to seek to amend the state constitution to ban gay marriages.

A) Missouri
B) Idaho
C) Utah
D) Ohio

3) The Origins of Life bill, which would require science teachers to offer an Intelligent Design-inspired disclaimer before teaching evolution, is stuck in this state’s legislature, not because lawmakers are pro-evolution, but because they believe that the basic tenants of Intelligent Design — that some undefined intelligence created the universe — doesn’t support their religious views enough. Which state?

A) Missouri
B) Idaho
C) Utah
D) Ohio

4) Meanwhile, the board of education in THIS STATE, recently reversed course, and is now advising against standards that would require an Intelligent Design-friendly disclaimer in its high school biology classes. Which state?

A) Missouri
B) Idaho
C) Utah
D) Ohio

1) A: Missouri keeps trying to criminalize stem cell research
2) B: Idaho is now trying to outlaw gay marriage
3) C: Utah is debating the “Origin of Life” bill
4) D: Ohio is now pulling back from its Intelligent Design efforts


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