Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Christian Coalition of the Willing Loses Another Member

Once again, we at Holier Than Thou feel the need to point out that the Evangelical movement has begun to eat its young.

Earlier in this space, we pointed out that the Alabama chapter of the Christian Coalition had left the national group founded by Pat Robertson and headed for years by Ralph Reed, joining state chapters from Iowa and Ohio, which had left the group in protest of its liberal leanings. (We’re not kidding — they really did use the word “liberal” to describe the political leanings of the Christian Coalition.)

Well, it seems the organization has lost yet ANOTHER member, as THIS state’s chapter just announced it too is cutting its ties to the Christian Coalition.

A. Georgia
B. Oregon
C. Kansas
D. North Dakota

A: Georgia, which like the others, complained of the Coalitions liberal drift for taking stances on such issues as the minimum wage, the environment and the Internet.

“It’s a really said moment,” said Georgia Director Sadie Fields. “I deeply regret we have been compelled to take this action, but we felt like we had no choice.”

Countered national Christian Coalition President Roberta Combs, “Family values reach beyond abortion and gay marriage.”


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