Move over Charlton Heston
Holy Moses, this one was just too weird to pass up.
1). What big-time Hollywood director is the executive producer of a new documentary titled “The Exodus Decoded” that claims to have uncovered fresh evidence confirming one of the most dramatic episodes in the Old Testament — the parting of the Red Sea and the Jewish exodus from Egypt?
A. Ron Howard
B. Mel Gibson
C. William Friedkin
D. James Cameron
2). The above director claims WHAT caused the parting of the Red Sea and the 10 plagues that God visited upon Egypt as punishment for enslaving the Jews?
A. A meteorite struck the Red Sea and that triggered a chain of natural catastrophes
B. A volcanic eruption on the Greek archipelago of Santorini that triggered a chain of natural catastrophes
C. God or some sort of supernatural or unknown force because the geological evidence is so shocking and bizarre
D. The parting of the Red Sea and the 10 plagues never happened based upon geological evidence and the lack of archeological evidence
1). A: James Cameron
2). B: Cameron believes a volcanic eruption on the Greek archipelago of Santorini triggered a chain of natural catastrophes recorded in the Bible as the 10 plagues that God visited upon Egypt as punishment for enslaving the Jews. The parting of the Red Sea may have been a tsunami that destroyed the pharaoh’s army as it pursued the escaping Jews. The documentary claims the episode occurred not at the Red Sea but at the smaller Sea of Reeds, a marshy area at the northern end of the Gulf of Suez. An underwater earthquake may have released poisonous gases that turned the waters red.
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