Friday, October 06, 2006

The Coalition of the Unwilling?

Under increased political pressure and a growing dissatisfaction with the lack of social conservative gains to accompany GOP victories at the ballot box, it appears that some in the Evangelical Christian movement are starting to eat their young.

Case in point?

Last month, the Christian Coalition — the once-powerful political movement founded by Pat Robertson and once led by Ralph Reed — was rocked when THIS state’s chapter announced that was leaving the national organization after complaining that the group had become too liberal. (Hint: It now joins Iowa and Ohio among state chapters that have left the national Coalition since the start of the year.)

A. Alabama
B. Kansas
C. North Dakota
D. Texas

A: Alabama, whose loss should be particularly upsetting to the Christian Coalition, which will lose its 1,900 volunteers and links with more than 13,000 churches.


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