Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Merry #@&*ing Christmas!

Now that Thanksgiving is upon us and the holidays are fast approaching, we thought we’d give you a little taste of what you’re in for in the coming weeks — the Christmas Wars!

Think we’re kidding? Sadly, we’re not.

Forget about peace, love, and the spirit of giving. The upcoming season will be all about cramming evangelical Christmas beliefs, icons and rituals down our collective throats.

Please match the conservative religious organization with their most recent salvo in the Christmas wars.

1) Evangelical Pastor Jerry Falwell
2) The Alliance Defense Fund
3) The American Family Association
4) The Catholic Rights League

A) Launched the “Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign,” with 750 lawyers standing by to sue public schools and institutions that seek to limit public Christmas displays and events.
B) Launched the Christmas Project, with the slogan: “Merry Christmas: It’s OK to say it,” with 800 lawyers standing by to sue public schools and institutions that seek to limit public Christmas displays and events.
C) Has called for a boycott on Target for its alleged ban on using “Merry Christmas” in its stories — a charge that Target officials vehemently deny.
D) Is criticizing Wal-Mart for telling its employees to say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”

1) A: Jerry Falwell launched the Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign
2) B: The Alliance Defense Fund is behind the Christmas Project and the slogan: “Merry Christmas: It’s OK to say it.”
3) C: The American Family Association is boycotting Target, even though signs saying “Merry Christmas” can be found in Target stories
4) D: The Catholic Rights League is after Wal-Mart and its “Happy Holidays” employee directive.

We’re sure Jesus is just elated that these “Christian” organizations are spending precious time and vital resources on these issues rather than feeding and clothing the needy and sharing the Good News.


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